Toffs on Tour – M6 Theatre
The Toffs have left the posh bubble of their estate and are out on tour dealing with the intricacies of everyday life with hilarious consequences.
The Toffs have left the posh bubble of their estate and are out on tour dealing with the intricacies of everyday life with hilarious consequences.
Elegantly ugly and utterly bonkers, these ladies will certainly bring comedy and style to any event. With their big frocks and even bigger wigs, they can’t be missed.
CV Phil Smethurst Follow Phil on Twitter
Caroline is a director, writer, producer and facilitator based in the North West. She has worked for Manchester International Festival, The National Theatre of Scotland and Cumbernauld Theatre. She is currently Particitpation Programme Manager at M6 Theatre in Rochdale, alongside her freelance work. Caroline also dabbles in voice overs and can be heard in children’s […]
Christmas is coming and so are our Fairies. Great for parties, events & festivals, these ladies know A LOT about Christmas: Christmas is their life. Stuck up on high, with a tree up their tutu, they have had a great deal of time to think and definitely have their own perspective on the world.
We at Pilford & Rigley would like to say:
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