Charred Grizzle – Grassington Festival


Devised by Aqueous Humour

Directed by Colette Murray

What appears to be just another bistro has a more sinister side. The ultimate eating experience drives Jean-Michelle and Bruno to the most extraordinary lengths to impress their guests. The oven is on, the doors are open, and all is not quite what it seems…

Charred Grizzle is a devised physical theatre show combining cartoon lightness and a shadow of the dark. It is a grotesque mixing bowl of Commmedia Del’Arte characters with the comic nasty of the Bouffon Clown. The piece revolves around the central classic characters of eccentric waiter and grumpy chef and their passion for fabulous food and impeccable service. Bold masks based on specific traditional Commedia characters were designed and made by our designer. The show had a self-contained freestanding kitchen & restaurant set suitable for outdoor or indoor touring.

The performances enthralled both adults and children alike. The adults laughed in recognition at all the characters as the silly became ridiculous in this twisted tale of fretful foodie frolics. The kids revelled in the mess, the fun and the boisterous drama of the arguments.

Charred Grizzle was developed in partnership with Grassington Festival ’09 and Arts Council England.

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